Leave All My Abominations Behind Me

“My best is defective and defiled, and needs pardon before it can hope for acceptance; but through mercy my hope is built, not upon frames and feelings, but upon the atonement and mediation of Jesus. When I am called home, I trust I shall leave all my abominations behind me, as my dear friend Cowper says in his hymn, — One view of Jesus as He is/Will strike all sin for ever dead.” [1]

John Newton’s great desire was to sin no more. What an astonishing thought, that one day, when we die… we leave all our filthy abominations behind us!! What vision, what hope, what glory — I can scarcely believe it though I yearn for it with all my heart! ‘Tis true,

One view of Jesus as He is

Will strike all sin for ever dead.

Come Lord Jesus!

[1] Josiah Bull, ed., Letters by the Rev. John Newton (London: The Religious Tract Society, 1869), 376.

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